Dana Galin, Founder + Chief Heart Officer
Founded in 2008, Imprint Leadership Partners is on a mission to change the world one leader at a time. We help individuals to become better leaders, teams to work together more effectively, and organizations to leverage their people with greater results. Through our work:
Individuals experience more clarity, mental agility, and personal power
Teams experience greater engagement, cohesiveness, and efficacy
Organizations experience people standing more fully in their leadership capacity.
Imprint Leadership Partners operates from the core belief that adults can significantly develop and grow – they can overcome their barriers to change, recognize and manage their blind spots, and identify opportunities for expansion. We believe that sustainable development is fundamental to maintaining engagement and navigating the complexities of the world in which we work and live.
We help our clients identify and transcend their growth edge. To do this, we leverage adult development theory, adaptive leadership, and leadership-based competency models to understand the relationship between how leaders habitually think and behave and their leadership effectiveness.
Our executive coaches work with clients ranging from C-Suite to those new to leadership positions in the private sector, academia, government, and nonprofit arenas. With the breadth and depth of our coaching bench, we scale easily to meet our clients' needs.
If you are struggling with a leadership question, CONTACT US. We love being a sounding board and are happy to help!
For a complete bio of Dana Galin, click here.
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” -- Albert Einstein
Imprint Leadership Partners uses evidence-based cognitive approaches to help our clients modify habituated limiting behaviors and thinking patterns. We do this by empowering them to find their current growth edge and make informed choices about how they want to adapt to meet the leadership needs of their organizations, communities and lives.
It is not our job to solve our clients' problems. We are here to help them develop their capacity to solve their own problems, which requires a change in the way they operate. By becoming the author of their own future and behaving consistently with their vision, our clients become role models for others. As they take responsibility for their development, they begin to create a culture of learning that encourages others to do the same.
To prepare clients to navigate the increasingly complex world in which we live, we must help them learn, unlearn, and relearn how they make sense of the world. As such, we:
Create an environment in which our clients feel safe to grow, find their own answers, and create their own agenda
Utilize a coaching framework to help them stay committed to the work to be done, yet foster the freedom to grow on their terms
Turn up the “heat” just enough to engage them in productive dialogue, but not enough to lose trust
Help them identify and disrupt their 'immunity to change' and define action plans to generate better results
Foster self-awareness through direct communication, active listening and reflection of what is and is not being said
Create structures of accountability so the work they do during coaching is sustainable

Finding Your Growth Edge
One-on-One Coaching

Creating High Performing Teams
Dynamic Group Workshops for Teams

Coaching for Sustainability
Team Coaching in Small Groups
Representative Clients

"You have made such a difference for our team! I wish we could embed you in the fabric of our company."
CEO, Commercial Lender
“Imprint was instrumental in helping me make the adjustment to partner. By the end of the program I had a clear vision and a roadmap to help me build my practice."
Partner, Paul Hastings
You are a genius! And your coaching on strategically approaching my current situation was really helpful to frame my thinking."
C-suite Executive, Time Warner
“You certainly have made an impact on us; you helped us understand who we are, worked with us to embrace it and then ‘leverage the hell out of it!!’"
Executive Director of the New York City Commission on Women’s Issues
“I walked away with a better understanding of what I wanted out of a career and the value I had to offer an employer, and had a concrete plan for how to get that job.”
Managing Director, Asset Management Firm
“We've had many speakers before you, and you are by far the best we have had!"
Business Unit CFO, Morgan Stanley
“Thank you for your presentation last night. You were one of the best presenters of the Wharton Club and I gained tremendous insights from your talk.”
Chair, Wharton Alumni Club NY
“Imprint, in my opinion, has a very unique, customizable set of programs that differentiates them from many other consultants. It's that customization, based on what the current needs are for the people in the room that makes it impactful.”
New York President, ALPFA
“Thank you so much! The reviews were so overwhelming for you, we cannot thank you enough for joining us again.”
Learning Chair, Junior Leagure
“Working together has been an amazing and enlightening experience that has enabled me to face professional challenges and obstacles with grace, confidence and a fighting spirit.”
Sales Leader, Hulu
"Imprint was instrumental in helping my team have the hard conversations that were holding us back from working together more effectively. Our work together changed how the team operates."
Senior Vice President, Fortune 100 Financial Services Company
“I didn't realize how little the team knew or trusted each other. You really helped us shift our team culture in a positive way."
Chief Human Resources Officer, Media Company
Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact us today and see what we can do for you.